Thursday, January 8, 2015

True Education

We have this theme at our school. Its coined as True Education and its something that sets this school apart form other schools. Or at least its supposed to.

I have recently gone into a financial difficulty and had to take the work study program at my school, Ouachita Hills College.

Instead of what I have been doing in past semesters (sitting on the computer for hours, sitting in class, sitting reading, sitting and eating, a lot of sitting). I am now taking part of a program that puts me to work around the campus.

And though it is a burden to work, not see my friends much, to time crunch things into the afternoon, and to not be able to take more than just one class, It is actually a huge blessing.

Contrary to many other people going to school in the world, I am not at this school to get a degree, I am here to learn...

That may seem contrary to itself, but thats the beauty of True Education. Learning from practical arts, not from random acquisitions of data that is largely irrelevant to my life goals.

I am very excited to actually be working, instead of in class as usual. Learning a valuable and practical trade is of more value to me than much of the book knowledge most students are set to learn.

Example: I will be learning about construction, like bricklaying and working with those tools such as saws. I am learning a ton about vehicles, there maintenance and how they work, and how to fix and work mechanism in machinery as well as use a variety of tools in that area, plus agriculture things and more assorted skills.

Most students don't really learn skills. Just books. I like it logical and practical, asking questions and being able to touch and prod and test are more influential in my learning and comprehension.

It also has so far helped me to appropriately use my energy and stay active, which is a massive plus.

All in all, in many peoples eyes it would look like a futile and pointless use of time to go to college but not take any classroom classes, or not get hardly any credit hours for a semester, but in the midst of that I am reminded of a term that has been more recently than ever, a guiding principle in my life during times I don't understand.

 That is Trust and Obey.

Just like with the apostles, when Christ asked them to let down there nets to catch fish, they did not act according to there own wisdom, they were not wise in there own eyes, they just trusted and obeyed.

And isn't that what we are aiming for as follower of God, we are not aiming to get this job, or do this things, or achieve this or that, God will not commend us on the quality or quantity of work we have desired in ours hearts to do, but commendation will be from simply doing whatever we are told.

Again, God won't say

"Well done, you studied many books"
"Well done, you got a college degree"
"Well done, you travels to all those places you wanted to visit"
"Well done, you spoke at this many churches"
"Well done, you were able to teach many unlearned people"

Not that any of these things are bad, but if its not submitting to where God has placed you, these next words you will never hear.

"Well done, my good and faithful servant"

You can't be good in the future, you cant be faithful in the past. If your in America, you can't be good in Africa, or faithful in Mongolia.

You can only be good and faithful, in the present, in the geographical area you are right now.

This is a lesson I am learning, to be content, to Trust and Obey now rather than later, to do the most good here rather than hoping to do it later, in another place.

Its not like God couldn't sweep me away to Japan or Lebanon to do mission work if He wanted, it wouldn't be hard, so why has He not done it, why am I here?

I know some people ask this question,  but this is what Jesus desired to teach when he requested that the net be cast again and this is the answer.

Being where we are at may not make sense, but God has us go to places and do things that are contrary to what we think makes sense. Often we "think" we can achieve important things by our own power, but God can put these much desired benefits we are working for in places that will often seem abnormal, illogical, and almost definitely in places we are not comfortable being. Its about teaching us a lesson we can't make ourselves learn no matter how hard we try, just like with the casting the net, its our effort, but God chooses what you take back, He can give you zero, just to contrast what power comes from obedience by giving you an overwhelming amount upon obeying his direct command.

Though sight tells you its not going to be beneficial to Trust and Obey, follow faith and put the effort to cast the net anyways.

So for me, I am encouraged to stay at this school and submit to my schedule because Ouachita Hills isn't about human teachers in a room, with desks and a chalkboard, but its about the lessons from the divine Teacher, and the entire school experiences, weather its mental trial and affliction during interactions with others , or physical discomfort from a hard packed schedule with no sleep, God has a curriculum from every living person on this campus.

Ecc 7:14
 In the day of prosperity be joyful, 
and in the day of adversity consider: 
God has made the one as well as the other, 
so that man may not find out anything that will be after him.

1 comment:

  1. Well said Josiah. That was very encouraging. Keep up the good work!
