Friday, December 26, 2014

Mission TX Update

I'm here sitting at the laundry mat, and I have noticed  haven't posted in ages....

Not intentional, with rare internet access and a busy schedule I haven't got the chance.

And on top of that, I tend to take forever to do anything because I would rather do nothing than a do something of poor quality.

Anyways, I haven't taken many pictures but I will post a little here.

 On the border, closest to another country that I have ever been.

 There are many pictures of Andy and I being goofy.
 Another. Oh and that is the canal connecting the Rio Grande behind us.

 Same park, the next weekend. Its a bird watching park. And that is Mexico in the background behind me.
Andy knew I was about to take a picture.

Again. It was very beautiful out there.

 After this picture we ended up playing some intensely awesome Hide and Seek tag. IT was awesome. Got to climb this tower.

 Almost every potluck at this church is awesome. I am afraid of potlucks now. I eat so much its ridiculous. I see why appetite is important to have control of.

 Put a bunch of beanie babies and Lizbeth. Im not sure if she found it as funny as I did.
 Was canvassing an eye care center, and the Doctor had is degree on the wall. I used it to canvasses Mrs. Whites books. Four books were bought in that lobby.
Canvassed a lady who had a Ferrari in her garage... She only had 5 dollars. Funny how life is sometimes.

Had many divine appointments here. Hopefully back at school I will have some free time to right down those amazing things God has done for me and many others here.